Saturday, August 04, 2007

pretty soon i'll be single no more. it's an overwhelming feeling to be finally saying goodbye to thirty three years of being able to speak your mind on a lot of things. not that i will stop. me? never! life is full of things to discover and share with the persons you love and care about or even to the world! i will always have this space, this corner, my repository of thoughts and feelings.
i can't help but wonder, though, will i be limited to stories of wifehood and motherhood the moment i cross the threshold of married life? what will happen to the jorvy of today? the one who talks about chocolate cakes and body massages; who can rave and rant about the latest novelty finds; who endlessly talks about being in love; who stays in front of the computer for hours just to share views with others; who sings, plays the guitar and the piano; who fusses over little things; who reads books; who still aspires to work in an international organization; who still dreams of becoming an actress; who plans on going to trips all over the world?
how will this impending change affect her?
will i then be talking about waking up in the wee hours of the morning to feed the baby? changing diapers and looking for the best baby products? talking about my quest into finding the perfect cerelac flavor? or, perhaps talking about what color is best suited for our baby's room, the one that can match all his/her clothing? or, maybe i will talk about the travails of being a wife and how a nag i can be! perhaps i will also rant about my disappearing waistline and how ugly and "losyang" (unkempt; no finesse?unglamorous?) i would feel.
another chapter is about to close and a new one will open.
the scales are now slowly tipping over for marital life. it's just a matter of weeks now.
whoa. mrs. antonio a. espinosa, jr. will this new name make me less of a jorvelyn p. jaruda?
or, will i mutate into someone else? someone i don't have the privilege to get to know yet.
only one way to find out!
will have to walk down the aisle and leaf through the new chapter of my life.
ahh, such truth in the adage: the only thing that remains constant is indeed, change.

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