Monday, January 16, 2017

Welcome 2017!

Another year has passed. How was your 2016? And what do you look forward in 2017?

My 2016 was very tumultuous. Beginning May of last year, in hindsight, I think I already experienced what could very well be signs of perimenopause. I experienced several and successive episodes of anxiety attacks. I also remembered getting hot flushes come June. Worse, after I turned 43 in October, I had the longest bout of insomnia ever. It took almost two weeks coupled with that pervading feeling of hopelessness and I am so glad I got out of that rut. Before the year ended, I still experienced occasional insomnia but lesser anxiety. 

So, if you ask me what do I look forward to in 2017, the obvious answer would be a good night's sleep and peace of mind.

Funny how we often take for granted little things like these - sleep and a sense of calm. These are things money cannot buy for us. For some of us, we even abuse it and take it lightly. We try to go by the day not getting enough sleep and stress ourselves too much. Like nothing's gonna happen anyway and we will still live well. Well, not to burst your bubble, but slowing things down a bit will not hurt you at all. You are still going to live a life well-lived. 

Here's my take on life at the moment:

1. No rush. Enjoy every minute. Relish every moment. Take time to really be with someone. Be in the moment.

2. Unplug. Social media can be addicting and if you can't rein yourself in, you can get stuck there and you spend most of the time facing a screen when you should be outside taking in the beauty of a sunset, enjoying the coolness of the wind, the laughter of children in the neighborhood, and simply see real people going about their busy lives.

3. Go out. There's a lot to discover and explore! Maybe you'd be surprised to know that the best-tasting burger place may just be at the corner!

4. Get away from it all. Retreat to somewhere quiet and where you can be alone. Meditate. Ponder. Write. Do yoga. Just enjoy the "me" moment.

5. Eat healthy. It goes without saying that we need fuel for the body in order for us to be able to do all the things that we need to do. 

6. Sweat it out. If you're already into yoga, good for you! That's meditation and workout all at the same time! Gym time, Zumba, cross training, capoeira, dancing..anything that keeps your body moving! Do it!

7. Indulge. What's not to love about spas, massages, going to a parlor? Be pampered. You deserve it. 

8. And, if money is not an There's really something that you bring back with you everytime you go on a new destination and makes you more appreciative of what you have back home and grateful for the opportunity to have experienced something new. 

9. Art, music. Food for the soul. For that "aaah" moment.

10.  Sleep. I can't begin to tell you how important this is. It's your bed, it's your dream, it's your world. 

2017, please be kind.

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