now, an opportunity presented itself: acting on camera. whoa. is this my dream come true? when i learned more about the project, it was actually more about my dreams coming true; it's about using your talent to help a greater cause. instead, you are an instrument in making other people's dreams come true. you are actually helping in making kids' dreams materialize and giving them more time to actually see it. alive.
"buhi" ("alive" in english), is a short film about coping with pediatric cancer. dr. henry grageda is the scriptwriter/director while kkk (mga kaibigan ng mga kabataang may kanser), spearheaded by dr. socorro martinez, is the producer. at the helm as director of photography is award-winning indie film director and artist oskie nava ably assisted by che and frances lacuesta. this is a project that aims to raise awareness and, hopefully, funding for the treatment of kids with cancer. the recipients of this project are families based in iloilo with children with cancer who are too poor to cover for their chemotherapy treatments, among other things.
i play the role of risa, the mother of the cancer patient, nina. (nina is the name of one of the kkk's recipients who recently passed away). destitute, the family still finds a way to make sure nina's health is attended to. the story revolves around nina, her dreams, her family especially her brother, the hospital staff, and the other kids with cancer. it's a story of hope.
also in the cast are some of the members of up teatro amakan alumni association, my theatre group. playing the role of the father of the cancer patient, Jose, is Ramir Ocbena, who is also no stranger to indie cinema; the cuckoo herbalist, Nang Sima, is played by Andy "Baboy" Cortez, who is a professional singer; and, playing a true-to-life role of a doctor is cancer-survivor Doc Ping Norada-Montebon as Dr. Ylagan, Nina's doctor.
the kids' in this short film are amazing! AC plays the lead role, Nina. Lady plays MacMac, another cancer patient. John Ross plays Dario, the brother of MacMac and the love interest of Nina. Armel plays the super adorable role of Nonoy, Nina's younger brother. Also, joining the kids' cast are Lirio, who will play one of Nonoy's playmates, Jenny; and another kid who will play Loloy. (Loloy is still not identified at this point).
other supporting cast are: John Ross' older brother, Christian, as Nurse Virgilio/Nurse Virgie, who is actually a nurse; Dr Jude "Ms Never Never" as the real-life KKK volunteer, and the many extras who gamely and generously gave their time to this production - from the Iloilo to Guimaras wharf and back, at the Guimbal Hospital, etc. My PA, Joy, was also included in the cast!
of course, former co-worker, Amy Tudence, herself a KKK volunteer, is our coordinator and "cakeholder."
on hindsight, i never really imagined this dream of mine to act on film to happen at all. i'm not young anymore and i'm married so all dreams of living the life of a celebrity was for me not a possibility. but, what i lost sight of was that i dreamed the life of a celebrity; not an actor. and this project brought me back to reality - yes, i can act and perhaps really act well enough to be on film. i may never get celebrity status but this is way better!
i have big hopes for this production especially for the cause it represents. i've seen two of the recipients, leukemia patients Sander and Acel, during our workshop, and i was really moved to tears. they're just about the same age as my nephews and i can't help but think that they still have a lot going for them. if there's anything else we can do just to extend their lives a bit longer.
a little bit. this is what this short film about. a little bit of passion, art, compassion, time, effort, talent, love, and all things in between.
you can really do more with a little bit.
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